Well, sitting in front of my face, below the computer monitors in my office, is a two-sided card intended to help remind me of something. To be honest, it's been there so long that I need another card to remind me to look at the first one!
This two-sided card is a list of 35 reasons not to sin.
"What?!", you may ask, "as if we need a REASON not to sin...duh?!" Careful now...before you're too quick to judge, need I remind you of our Israelite ancestors? A quick search at Biblegateway will prove my point:
"What?!", you may ask, "as if we need a REASON not to sin...duh?!" Careful now...before you're too quick to judge, need I remind you of our Israelite ancestors? A quick search at Biblegateway will prove my point:
Judges 2:11 And the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD and served the Baals.
Judges 3:7 And the people of Israel did what was evil in the
sight of the LORD. They forgot the LORD their God and served the Baals and the Asheroth.
Judges 3:12 And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the
sight of the LORD, and the LORD strengthened Eglon the king of Moab against Israel, because they had done what was evil in the sight of the LORD.
Judges 4:1 And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the LORD after Ehud died.
Judges 6:1 The people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and the LORD gave them into the hand of Midian seven years.
Judges 10:6 The people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the LORD and served the Baals and the Ashtaroth, the gods of Syria, the gods of Sidon, the gods of Moab, the gods of the Ammonites, and the gods of the Philistines. And they forsook the LORD and did not serve him.
Judges 13:1 And the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, so the LORD gave them into the hand of the Philistines for forty years.
English Standard Version (ESV)
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.
So, I need reminders, and as a reminder to look at my reminder, I thought I'd post of few of the 35 reason for your own edificationt. This list is published by Jim Eliff's ministry, Christian Communicator's Worldwide. You may also download the entire list here as a free bulletin insert.
Ok, here we go:
35 Reasons Not To Sin:
Because a little sin leads to more sin.
Because my sin invites the discipline of God.
Because the time spent in sin is forever wasted.
Because my sin never pleases but always grieves God who loves me.
Because my sin places a greater burden on my spiritual leaders.
Because in time my sin always brings heaviness to my heart.
Because I am doing what I do not have to do.
Because my sin always makes me less than what I could be.
Because others, including my family, suffer consequences due to my sin.
Because my sin saddens the godly.
Because my sin makes the enemies of God rejoice.
Because sin deceives me into believing I have gained when in reality I have lost.
Because sin may keep me from qualifying for spiritual leadership.
Because the supposed benefits of my sin will never outweigh the consequences of disobedience.
Now...go...and sin no more.
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